The NW Line training facilities in Warrenton, Oregon, are located within Camp Rilea, a minute drive from Astoria, a very large, U. NW Line designed its training center for the specific needs of the outside line industry. A contractor agrees to make every effort to keep you employed and to comply with the standards established for the program. Payment Apprentices are full time employees. Error loading player: No playable sources found .
Electrical Industry Training and Career Preparation.
The main focus of the California-Nevada JATC is to keep the outside electrical industry within our two states with an adequate number of highly skilled journey level workers.
The MSLCAT Program Has Pledged That The Recruitment, Selection, Employment, And Training Of Apprentices Shall Be Without Discrimination Because Of Race, Color, Religion, National Or Ethnic Origin, Disability, Sex, Or Age. The main focus of the NW Line JATC is to keep the northwest outside electrical industry with an adequate number of highly skilled journey level workers.