Monday 23 March 2015

Mechanical engineering lab experiments

Riga Technical University website. Studies, Science, Valorization, Internationalization, University, Faculties, Library, News, Events, Contacts. Institute of Building Production.

Doktora studiju programma “Būvniecība”. Doctoral study programme “Civil Engineering ”.

Metodika mitruma sadalījuma noteikšanai gāzbetona konstrukcijās ar elektriskās impedances spektrometrijas metodi.

Moisture sorption and its effect on mechanical properties of polymer materials.

Efficiency of vibration machines . The of the experiments permitted the prediction of long-term deformations of the FRCC. Field of research, Mechanical engineering. The technique is based on using the commercial CAD software as well as the original code EDAOpt developed in RTU for design of experiments , approximation and optimization.

In the 1st chapter the actuality of the . Term Papers and Practice Reports. Saskaņā ar žurnāla “Estonian Journal of Engineering ” izdevniecības prasībām notiek raksta „ Mechanical properties modeling and experimental verification for cotton knitted fabric composites” rediģēšana. Mačanovskis saņēma sertifikātu Design of Experiments Basic Course no Zviedrijas par dalību šajā seminārā.

David Herak, Vladimir Sleger, Cestmir Mizera, Ales Sedlacek. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Mechanical behaviour of bulk rapeseeds under quasi dynamic compression loading . Proposed report will briefly cover history and achievements of Laboratory of Organic.

ENGINEERING OF METAL SULFIDE NANOWIRE PHOTODETECTORS. Starptautiskais termiskās kodolsintēzes eksperimentālais reaktors (ITER) tiek attīstīts kā pasaules lielākā kodoltermiskās sintēzes eksperimentālā iekārta, lai patiesi nodemonstrētu un pierādītu kodolsintēzes zinātniskās un tehnoloģiskās iespējas kā ilgtermiņa lielas jaudas, drošas atjaunojamās un CO2 . In some experiments the paraffin was more preferable for microorganisms, but in other tests the for both substances were similar. Lu, “ Degradation of crude oil and relationship with bacteria and enzymatic activities in laboratory testing,” International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, . Optimal Design of Sandwich and Laminated Composite Plates Based on Planning of Experiments.

Duffour at the Department of Engineering ,. Structural Optimization, (1),. Effectivity of chemical and mechanical disinfection on ability to neutralize Escherichia coli. At the moment all engineering calculations on disinfection effectivity are based on E. Laboratory scale studies involved batch experiments for disinfection experiments and fully mixed . Wood Handbook: Wood as an engineering material. The conclusion has been drawn to narrow the confidence bounds for the veneer mechanical properties once used in design of plywood sandwich panels. Head of the company: Ms Līga Lieplapa.

Position of the contact person: Manager. Languages spoken: Latvian, English,. Number of employees: (seasonal workers).

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