By recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave . Ultrasonic sensors measure distances based on transmitting and receiving ultrasonic signals. They can stably detect transparent or complex-shaped targets and have high environmental resistance. This is the HC-SRultrasonic ranging sensor.
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Students learn about how ultrasonic sensors work, reinforcing the connection between this sensor and how humans, bats and dolphins estimate distance.
They learn the echolocation process—sound waves transmitte bounced back and receive with the time difference used to calculate the distance of .
Ultrasonic waves are used to enable stable detection of transparent objects, such as transparent films, glass bottles, plastic bottles, and plate glass, using Through- beam or Reflective Sensors. How does an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor work? Ultrasonic Sensors are self-contained solid-state devices designed for non-contact sensing of solid and liquid objects.