Thursday 25 August 2016

Geostationary satellite height

A satellite in such an orbit is at an altitude of approximately 37km (22mi) above mean sea level. So calculating the altitude simplifies into calculating the point where the magnitudes of the centripetal acceleration required for orbital motion and . Medium Earth orbit (MEO): geocentric orbits ranging in altitude from 0km ( 2miles) to just below geosynchronous orbit at 37kilometers (22mi). Also known as an intermediate circular orbit. These are most commonly at 22kilometers (16mi), or 26kilometers (18mi), with an orbital period .

These satellites are commonly used for communication purposes, such as radio and television networks, back- haul, and direct broadcast.

Traditional global navigation systems do not use geosynchronous satellites , but some SBAS navigation satellites do.

A geostationary orbit is when the satellite remains vertically above the same point on the equator at all all times and consequently has an orb. This satellite has an orbit period of hours, which matches the time for on. Gravitational force of earth=6. Because the radius and period are relate you can use physics to calculate one if you know the other.

And if the orbital speed is too high for the altitude , the orbit will be an ellipse, rather than circular, or the cannonball may even escape Earth altogether! At this altitude , one complete trip around the earth (relative to the sun) takes hours. The reason they are located at that distance is because is the one that allows the satellite to be in the relative same situation in the space over the same region of the Earth. This is absolutely mandatory if you want to use it for transmit and receiving direct to home TV channels.

The height of their orbit - 30km - is just the right distance so that it takes them one day (hours) to make each orbit. Satellites located in the GEO orbit move at the . A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an orbit around Earth with an altitude of 0kilometres (2mi) or less, and an orbital period of between about and 1minutes. Objects below approximately 1kilometres (mi) will experience very rapid orbital decay and altitude loss due to atmospheric drag. In this type of orbit the satellite rotates in the same direction as the rotation of the Earth . About GPS satellites orbit the earth every hours.

Each orbit lasts hours, so the slow, high- altitude portion of the orbit repeats over the same location every day and night. However this is the radius to from the center of the Earth. This page is listing the Geostationary satellites. Thus, the circle that it makes around Earth (considering its orbit to be perfectly circular) should be covered in hours. So, no matter how large your satellite is, the geostationary altitude will be the same.

We know that velocity is equal to distance divided by time. In this case, the distance is the circumference of your orbit, which is 2πr, and time in this instance is your orbital perio or one day for the planetary body. Lookup tables for estimating the cloud-top height and visible optical thickness of upper-tropospheric clouds by the infrared brightness temperature TB at 10.

These lookup tables were constructed by regressing the . The Fizzics website with many more video tutorials and fr.

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