Tuesday 27 June 2017

Sampling oscilloscope principle

Before discussing sampling oscilloscope , we must know the basic principle and functioning of an ordinary oscilloscope. It is an instrument which receives one or more electrical signals and then produces the waveform on the screen simultaneously. The sampling oscilloscope is an advanced version . It works on the principle of stroboscopic light.

The block diagram of the sampling scope is shown in the figure below.

The input signal is delayed and then sampled by the diode gate.

A sampling oscilloscope can display signals of considerably higher frequency than the sampling rate if the signals are exactly, or nearly, repetitive.

It does this by taking one sample from each successive repetition of the input waveform, each sample being at an increased time interval from the trigger event. The path to digitalization for both real-time and sampling scopes is essentially the same. However, the underlying technology for each varies . BASIC CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS.

RAJ1P TRIGGERING AND RAMP DELAY CIRCUITS. SAMPLING , AMPLIFYING AND HOLDING CIRCUITS. Today, Tektronix continues this leader~ ship tradition by . This type of sampling is best suited to repetitive waveforms such as serial data streams, clock waveforms and pulses in digital circuits, some of the data patterns used . A digital storage oscilloscope (often abbreviated DSO) is an oscilloscope which stores and analyses the signal digitally rather than using analog techniques.

It is now the most common type of oscilloscope in use because of the advanced trigger, storage, display and measurement features which it typically provides. The bot- tom board is the horizontal amplifier. Random sampling oscilloscope system. The time base may be used with commercial sampling oscilloscope systems.

The basic principle of random sampling is demonstrated in figures . This can be done by the use of CRT ( Cathode ray tube) and digital memory. The digitisation can be done by taking the sample input . Therefore other alternatives must be used. Only one sample is taken each perio resulting in an output frequency. Essentials of oscilloscope trigger capability including scope triggering, hold-off, trigger level and the overall operation of the trigger function.

Oscilloscope principles - Duration: 3:39. That is, signals whose frequencies are higher than the oscilloscope's sampling rate. Digital sampling oscilloscopes operate on the same principle as analog sampling oscilloscopes and like their analog partners, are of great use when analyzing high frequency signals.

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