Wednesday 30 August 2017

R fuah sh leimah

Transcontinental Music Folios). This ground-breaking publication is the most comprehensive and definitive collection of Jewish healing music. These comforting words can be said on behalf of those who are ill.

Whether friends or loved ones are struggling with physical, emotional or spiritual challenges, this prayer speaks to our desire for their healing. Reprinted with permission of the National Center for Jewish Healing, a program of the Jewish Board of .

May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, .

Bless those in need of healing.

Custom designed tallit for men and women. Julie Silver is an American folk musician who has been traveling throughout the world and performing for the last years. May the One who blessed our ancestors — Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, . We have the power, as we tap into the Light, to create this healing energy for ourselves and for others. Her recordings include Nefesh : Songs for the Soul, a CD for S2K, and NFTY in Harmony, an album with an accompanying songbook of original choral arrangements. She has written on Music, Prayer and Sacred Community, and on the educational value of youth choirs.

Oneg Shabbat pareve parashah, parashiyot. Priestly Benediction prayer book. To my Madison Family: Thank you for your kind thoughts, wishes and donations during this most trying time for our family. Mazel Tov to: Barbara Levinson on the birth of her granddaughter by Joel and Barbara Diener. Maxine and Enoch Padolsky on the birth of their grandson by Dayra and John Diener.

Rabbi Idan and Shifra Scher on the . The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say, Amen. We pray for all who hold positions of leadership and responsibility in our national life. Solo Voice or Three-Part Choir.

Skyer father of Susannah Skyer Gupta, father-in-law of Vipin Gupta and grandfather of. Judi Zeltzer sister of Nathan R. Traditional and modern tallit (Jewish prayer shawls). See more ideas about Tallit, Jewish art and Torah.

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