Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Unregulated meaning

An unregulated type of business or activity is not controlled and directed by fixed rules…. The prefix un- reverses an action, so here it means “not. Then you have regulate which describes something that has rules or people who check that things are working properly.

So if something is unregulated , there are no rules or people . Define unregulated (adjective) and get synonyms.

What is unregulated (adjective )?

Synonyms for unregulated at Thesaurus.

Dictionary and Word of the Day. English dictionary definition of unregulated. Like Ofgem, we currently treat revenues from regulated and unregulated services separately when we set price limits.

Regulated power supplies have voltage regulators on their output, while the output voltage of an unregulated power supply is not regulated. Some complicated investment opportunities are being unlawfully promoted and sold to members of the general public. Find out why to be wary of these unregulated collective investment schemes (UCIS). An economic market in which supply and demand are not regulated or are regulated with only minor restrictions.

Context example: unregulated off-shore fishing. Antonyregulated (controlled or governed according to rule or principle or law) . Conversely, the output of an unregulated power supply can change significantly when its input voltage or load cu. THAT MEANS ONLY THE POSITIVE SIDE OR ONLY THE NEGATIVE SIDE. Despite this, there is no law dealing specifically with this type of business, meaning that the animals are vulnerable due to lack of . In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context. For example: in biology, gene regulation and metabolic regulation . These go by the clunky name of unregulated collective investment schemes or UCIS.

If an investment is regulate that means that the way it is sold or recommended to you is governed by . Annex C – unregulated and unregistered providers. This means improving the outcomes for children and young people. These terms and others are currently unregulated in the US. State responsibilities for the conservation of living marine resources under international law. As defined in the UN FAO International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing.

For more information on each type of activity, please follow the links above. If you have any questions about these pages, one of the . Subject matter : Definition of unregulated financial sector entities. The first thing to know is that most vape mods on the market are regulated. They are the most popular choice for vapers from beginners to veterans.

Significance of being an open-ended investment company open-ended investment company.

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