Monday, 30 July 2018

Wireless speed control of dc motor using rf

Here we are control the direction and speed of DC motor with help of PWM on Driver ic L293D. INTRODUCTION The speed and direction control of DC motor is very important for various kind of uses. Through all these years, there have been various attempts in finding different efficient solutions for the speed and direction control of the DC motor.

History will recognize the vital role . The speed of the DC motor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across its terminals.

Hence, if the voltage across motor terminal is varie then the speed can also be varied .

Abstract- The main objective of project is to control the speed and direction as well as position of the DC motor using wireless communication system.

The control circuit of the transmitter is transmit the data as per require output and the receiver . The potentiometer VRvaries the . This electronics project demonstrates controlling DC motors using RF transmitter and receiver. Here, controlling the motor refers to switching motor on or off, changing its speed and altering the direction of its rotation. The L293D IC ( which can control maximum two DC motors ) is used in the circuit. Wireless dc motor speed control electrical projects.

Leave your questions in comment. This device can be used to control the speed and direction of the DC motor. The RF modules used here are STT-4MHz Transmitter along with an RF encoder . Finally to design and implement the complete control unit for the DC Motor. To vary the speed and change direction of the DC motor wirelessly using RF (radio frequency) wave.

DC MOTOR SPEED AND DIRECTION CONTROL USING RF. I am using PWM (pulse width modulation) method to very the speed of DC Motor. There are two sections in the circuit 1) PWM generator . ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header using Arduino.

A modern trend in the field of automation is to use wireless supervision and feedback processes. Compared to other wireless communication protocols such as Wi-Fi (IEEE 80), . Four switches are provided at the transmitter en to control the . One can study the full operation of DC motor using this board. This kit is actually an educational kit. And project is prepare by Amir mansuri,prakash prajapati, parth patel,parth makvana.

With the help of this system one can control the speed of the dc motor controller from remote sites. It can also control the direction of the dc motor. This project is practical and highly.

RF wireless PWM DC motor speed control.

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