Friday 18 January 2019

Equipotentials and electric fields lab

General Physics Laboratory Experiments 7. Equipotential and Electric Field Lines C. Below we outline some of the theoretical ideas and the equations that are relevant. One way to look at the force between charges is to say that the charge alters the space around it by generating an electric field E. Any other charge placed in this field then experiences a.

To develop an understanding of electric potential and electric fields.

To better understand the relationship between equipotentials and electric fields.

The electric field is not constant along the curved electric field lines. For example, choose two equipotential lines,. The purpose of this lab session is to experimentally investigate the relation between electric field lines of force and equipotential surfaces in two dimensions. You will construct various conducting surfaces (metal electrodes) and study the electric field and equipotential patterns associated with them.

AP Physics Lab 16: Mapping Electric Fields - Duration: 1: 57. Slice2Electric Field Lines . To determine equipotential lines in the electric field formed by charged electrodes 2. To draw electric lines of force to represent. Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to begin understanding and experimenting with electrical potentials and examining electrical fields , from their directions to their strengths and their . Finally, draw electric field lines from this configuration by drawing several lines which are always perpendicular to both the equipotential lines and to the surface of any conductors. Make sure to use arrows to note the direction the . You will plot equipotential lines (lines of equal electric potential) and . Objectives: Equipment: Physical Principles: Procedure: Part A: Parallel Plates: Part B: Electric Dipole.

Part C: Magnetic Field Lines: Further Investigation: eJOURNAL REPORT 1. Similarly, if you walk along an equipotential contour line, the potential does not go up or down. If you walk perpendicular, you are going either in the direction towards higher V, or the direction towards lower V. Arrange positive and negative charges in space and view the resulting electric field and electrostatic potential. Plot equipotential lines and discover their relationship to the electric field. Create models of dipoles, capacitors, and more!

Prepare for this experiment by reading about electric fields , electric potential, equipotential lines, work done by an electric field , and electric field lines. Make the graphs you will need for the experiment. DISCUSSION: Electric fields are produced around charged objects and are analogous to gravitational fields in several ways.

However, since the electric field can attract or repel, an arbitrary positive test charge is used to determine the direction of the vector . This is the technique used in this experiment. Voltage differences are applied to the electrodes and the equipotential surfaces in the resistive medium are found by using . Be sure to write your name and lab section on the page.

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