Monday, 24 March 2014

Datasheet sht11

SMD type package – reflow solderable. Parallax has simplified the use of the SHT. Fully calibrated and reflow solderable. Typical accuracy: ± RH and ±0. DFN type package – reflow solderable.

Protection against dust and particles.

Optimized for response time of sensor.

CRC stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check. The types of errors that are detectable with CRC that is implemented in SHT2x sensors are: ▫ Any odd number of errors anywhere within the . SDM interface convertible to analog output. Figure : Drawing of SHT20S sensor package, dimensions are given in . Some of the scientific and electronic considerations to measuring humidity include: analog to digital interface and external circuitry which might require op- amps or . Buy SENSIRION SHTonline at Newark element14. In order to prevent oxidation . Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL), ( Unlimited). Best performance-to-price ratio.

Ultra-small DFN package: × 2 . This sensor is prepared for applications that require precise monitoring over moisture and temperature conditions. The SHTsensor inside brings . Contacts are assigned as follows: 1:GN 2:DATA,. V, but all LabJacks, except the U1 have 3. Looking to buy or find the datasheet.

I read the datasheet and came across this interesting (for me at least) graphic. As usual with the serial interface chips, it is necessary to read the data sheet carefully to understand the serial protocol. Centigrade while the SHTis slightly better at ±RH and ±0. The communication interface is identical so no problems changing sensors in the future.

Serial I2C interface and factory calibration, allow easy and fast . The air pressure sensor is read out via the port's analog channel and the SHTdata is clocked out via the I2C lines. I even went through the elaborate re calibration procedure in the datasheet. SHT1x Click is an accessory board in. For calibration and end testing of RH sensors. Sensirion is using expert calibration equipment and procedures to guarantee highest precision and reliability.

Sensor Testing and Qualification. With the onboard analog to digital hardware, and the factory calibration, .

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