Enter here to find parts breakdown drawings and the parts list for your product. Click Catalog Shop located in the red banner on the next page to locate and purchase your parts. A pocket magnet is handy to retrieve parts from hard to reach places. Home Tech Info Transaxle Identification Troubleshooting Distributor List.
Designed to meet the needs of our OEM custom- ers, this website is designed to assist service and re- pair facilities in locating and ordering parts for Tuff.
It also provides transaxle parts identification, troubleshooting guides, online ordering capabilities, as well as providing you.
Torq manufactured transmissions.
T he bypass shaft on my k51a tufftorq started leaking oil. I replace the new shaft with new one and put new O-rings 1a and p10a in. Letting it cool down for minutes allowed me to drive it back to the garage. I removed the transaxle, cleaned the case of all grime, inspected the fan, drained the old oil and replaced it . I just finished repairing my tractor.