Thursday 10 September 2015

Global assessment of functioning scale gaf

Global Assessment of Functioning ( GAF ) Scale. Do not include impairment in functioning due to physical (or environmental) limitations. Note: Use intermediate codes when . GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTIONING SCALE ( GAF ). Indicate appropriate code for the LOWEST level of functioning .

Although it is based on the clinical scale presented in the DSM - IV, this summary lacks the detail and specificity of the original document.

The complete GAF scale on of the DSM .

Optimal mental health and coping capabilities are represented by scores in the – 1range. Persons with mild psychological problems fall in the – range. Slight impairment in social, work, or school functioning (e.g., temporarily falling behind in school or work). While the advantage of the GAF lies in this comprehensiveness, questions have been raised on whether clinicians rate appropriately.

To clarify this issue, the actual process . Sie wird verwendet, um das allgemeine Funktionsniveau einer Person zu erfassen. Körperliche Erkrankungen und Umgebungsbedingungen sollen hierbei explizit nicht berücksichtigt werden. JONES, GRAHAM THORNICROFT, MICHAEL COFFEY and GRAHAM DUNN. However, there is little research on the reliability and validity of this measure in severely mentally ill populations.

METHOD Multidisciplinary keyworkers assessed 1patients at monthly . The GAF scoring system is based on severity of . The scale is presented and described Shaffer Gould MS, Brasic J, et al. The 1point scale measures psychological, social and occupational functioning. Author information: (1)Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevaal, . Jones SH(), Thornicroft G, Coffey M, Dunn G. Ramirez A(1), Ekselius L, Ramklint M. Rate LOWEST possible score for each patient.

In Persistent Danger of Severely Hurting Self or Others.

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