Thursday 31 December 2015

Vector group of transformer pdf

Three phase transformer consists of three sets of primary windings, one for each phase, and three sets of secondary windings wound on the same iron core. Three-phase transformers can have their windings connected in various ways: star, delta or zigzag connection. The connection type must be specified on the.

Vector Groups are the IEC method of categorizing the primary and secondary winding configurations of 3-phase transformers. The clock method is used to produce the numerical index of the vector .

In electrical engineering, a vector group is the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) method of categorizing the high voltage (HV) windings and low voltage (LV) winding configurations of three-phase transformers.

The vector group designation indicates the windings configurations and the difference in phase .

A Review about Vector Group Connections In Transformers. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Loyola Institute of Technology and Science. Transformer is the most important unit in an electrical distribution network.

Key Words: bank of three phase transformer , vector group. In the vector group , the secondary voltage may have the phase shift of 30° lagging or leading, 0° i. The transformer vector group is labeled . This relatively simple nomenclature provides important information about the way in which three phase windings are connected and any phase displacement that occurs. Winding Connections HV windings are designated: Y . Within the delta, wye, and zigzag groups , there are multiple means of creating the winding configuration. The following table gives the connections for which from the view point of phase sequence and angular divergences, transformer can be operated parallel. According to their vector relation, all three phase transformers are divided into different vector group of transformer.

The three phase transformer is connected in various ways, i. On the basis of their connection, the vector group of the transformer is determined. Also measurement of short circuit impedance and load loss at working temperature and its actual before and after short circuit test. Issue related with vector Groups of Transformer. Vector groups are much essential while two or more transformers are being connected in parallel. Types and representation of vector group.

Importance and elimination of third harmonics. Application and selection of vector group of transformer. Methodology: Classroom Presentations, Exercises.

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