Friday 16 March 2018

Cara block idm di mikrotik

Tutorial ini untuk membatasi sebuah koneksi yg terbuka di IDM. Mikrotik Limit and All Download and Unlimit Browsing - Duration: 4:20. Make your Network children friendly.

Cara block windows update di Router Mikrotik ? Hi guys, In our company we want to block facebook page.

This is little how-to create manual burst using queue tree.

Cara memblokir Port 4pada Mikrotik.

HTTPS) thanks to Allah thanks to Restu Adimas cybernewbie31. Really very help full video, is there any technique for blocking Download from IDM Thank you again. Note: The Lmatcher is very resource intensive. How to Setup Mikrotik Router as Failover . Use this feature only for very specific traffic. It is not recommended to use Lmatcher for generic traffic, such as for blocking webpages.

In This Articles , i want describe , how to block download more than MB per Bytes. Everybody Want To Download Big Size Files , After Downloaded MB , Download Would Stop. This Example , i Want block download per Source And Destination. For Example , Everybody can download file from . I do not block torrents, instead apply heavy speed limitations for minutes using Queues.

Koleksi Tutorial, Cara Setting, Tips, Panduan, Komputer, Linux, Internet, Jaringan , Mikrotik , Windows, Linux, dan Server. Limiting Bandwidth Download File Extensions on Mikrotik. Complete Queue Tree Rules Without Queue Simple on Mikrotik is the evaluation of previous method about Bandwitdh management on mikrotik all is using queue tree rules. Cara Blokir File MPMikrotik Routerboard paling cepat dan mudah 1 Success dengan Web Proxy. Tutorial bagaimana cara membuka website yang di blokir di jaringan Mikrotik.

Berikut adalah demo Menghadapi Serangan Ping Flooding dengan Mikrotik Firewall. Software Mikrotik router dikenal cukup handal dalam urusan firewall, nah disini kami hendak menunjukkan bagaimana kehandalan Mikrotik router dalam menangani serangan Ping Flooding atau Ping Flood. Beginner Basics - Jika anda baru mengenal Mikrotik , dan ingin atau telah menginstall tapi tidak tahu mulai dari mana, silahkan berdiskusi disini.

Jasa Setting Murah dan bergaransi dengan hasil terbaik.

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