Monday, 14 April 2014

Ir obstacle detection to actuate load

IR is interfaced with microcontroller. A KHz signal is generated by 5timer which is feed to the IR diode which in turn produces an IR ray of 38Khz. This ray is received by tuned IR receiver continuously.

Whenever there is an obstacle to the IR ray the . The IR transmitter constantly transfers rays to the IR receiver which in turn constantly sends output to the microcontroller.

The microcontroller is then used to read the signal as soon as an object is encountered and then actuate the load.

Temperature monitoring sensors, obstacles detection sensor, soil moisture detection sensors, heart pulse rate sensors and many more.

It provided with an IR sensor to detect the dust and clean it with cooling fan. Normally, solar panel only absorb the light energy at it places. This shows that it is suitable for obstacle avoidance and detection of motion.

The project uses IR sensors to sense the persons . Dish Positioning Control by IR Remote. IR Obstacle Detection to Actuate Load. Thermistor Based Temperature Control.

Speed Checker to Detect Rash Driving on Highways. Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries. Best ECE project ideas for engineering in various fields like embedde electrical and robotics etc.

These are helpful to implement major and mini projects. Density Based Traffic Signals using Microcontroller: In this system, we use IR sensors to measure the traffic density. Embedded Systems live projects for 3rd year and final year ECE, EEE and EIE students.

Here below you can few of our projects. See more ideas about Electrical projects, Project . EI04 PIC controller Based Automatic Dusk to Dawn. EI04 Tripping Mechanism of Over Voltage or Under Voltage Systems using microcontroller. PPMINI05 project based on Issue Tracking System.

Electronics Project Ideas IR Remote Control Switch Lamp Life Extender by ZVS . Speed checker to detect rash driving on highways 14. Dish positioning control by ir remote 17. IR obstacle detection to actuate load 18.

Distance measurement by ultrasonic sensor 19. This project is designed to find the breakages or cracks on tracks in electric locomotive system and alert the railway department. It is the latest technology to avoid railway accidents.

Here we use GSM Communication protocols to send the message of breakage detection via SMS. A microcontroller can be used to process .

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