Tuesday 26 January 2016


This article discusses the history and development of oscilloscope technology. The modern day digital oscilloscope grew out of multiple developments of analog oscilloscopes, which in turn grew out of the older oscillograph. Variations in current induce momentum in the coil, which can be directly measured.

The electromagnetic oscillograph was invented by William Duddell. Oscillograph , instrument for indicating and recording time-varying electrical quantities, such as current and voltage.

The light-beam oscillograph has much less weight to move than does the pen-writing instrument and so responds satisfactorily to higher frequencies, about 5Hz, or cycles per secon compared with 1Hz for the pen assembly.

Oscillograph definition, a device for recording the wave-forms of changing currents, voltages, or any other quantity that can be translated into electric energy , as sound waves.

An instrument for measuring alternating or varying electric current in terms of current and voltage. January 2 “Dennis Hevesi”, in J. Define oscillograph : an instrument for recording alternating current wave forms or other electrical oscillations. Looking for Cathode-Ray Oscillograph ? Find out information about Cathode-Ray Oscillograph. Explanation of Cathode-Ray Oscillograph. English dictionary definition of oscillograph.

Meaning of oscillograph medical term. A device that records oscillations, as of an electric current and voltage. The cathode ray oscillograph , since its invention by Braun, has developed along three lines.

This per follows the structural development of commercial tubes. Definition of oscillograph - a device for recording oscillations, especially those of an electric current. The recorded trace is an oscillogram. An example is the cathode-ray oscillograph. This low-voltage type of oscillograph is much more sensitive than the high-voltage . In connexion with the study of alternating or varying electric current, appliances are required for determining the mode in which the current varies.

It owes this distinction to its inherent capability of faith- fully recording electrical transients of extremely short duration. The paper describes the Norinder cathode ray. It is the purpose of this paper to describe the use of the cathode ray oscillograph for the direct recording of pressure-volume or pres- sure-flow relationships.

Alternative Titles: Braun tube, CRO, cathode-ray oscillograph , oscilloscope. The graphs plot the relationships between .

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