Tuesday 26 September 2017

By proximity

The nature of the psychological processes that underlie the Gestalt principles of grouping by proximity and grouping by similarity is examined. Similarity was defined relative to the principles of grouping by common colour and grouping by common shape. Intermediates that do not enter bulk solution but remain bound to the biomolecule . Targeting and plasticity of mitochondrial proteins revealed by proximity -specific ribosome profiling.

Williams CC(1), Jan CH(1), Weissman JS(2).

Author information: (1)These authors contributed equally to this work.

Schematic presentation of proximity probe–templated DNA circularization and subsequent RCA and detection.

If two proximity probes bind close to each other, such as by binding two proteins present in the same complex, then subsequently added linear connector oligonucleotides are guided to form a . The visual system groups close things together. Previous studies of grouping by proximity have failed to measure grouping strength or to assess the effect of configuration. We reanalyze data from an experiment by Kubovy and . The role of element proximity in perceptual grouping was examined in tasks requiring speeded discrimination of two-element visual patterns. Grouping of two elements was defined as the failure of attention to be focused on one element selectively in filtering tasks where only that one element was relevant to the . J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform. Enhanced integration of multisensory body information by proximity to habitual action space.

Dempsey-Jones H(1), Kritikos A(2). Direct observation of individual endogenous protein complexes in situ by proximity ligation. Söderberg O(1), Gullberg M, Jarvius M, Ridderstråle K, Leuchowius KJ, Jarvius J, Wester K, Hydbring P, Bahram F, Larsson LG, Landegren U. This article explores the inherent tension between techniques of distance and proximity in legal practice. Laying bare the interplay between spatial, social and representational distance and proximity , the article clarifies the politics of the trial and the various kinds of subjectivation that take place in the . In order to solve these problems, innovators must learn where . A formal approach to the phenomenon of perceptual grouping by proximity was investigated. An effective Hamiltonian that describes different symmetry breaking terms in . Abstract: We investigate pairing instabilities of free electrons caused by the proximity -effect of the chiral spin liquid.

A system for in vivo proximity -dependent ribosome biotinylation to monitor local protein synthesis at the ER. A) Schematic for proximity -specific ribosome profiling. Membrane curvature induced by proximity of anionic phospholipids can initiate endocytosis. Kay Masashi Maekawa Michael M. The plasma membrane is uniquely enriched in phosphatidylserine (PtdSer). Prox- imity did nor account for any significant amount of variance in any scale.

Abstract: We demonstrate the first silicon tunnel diodes formed using proximity rapid thermal diffusion and spin-on diffusants. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy is used to compare proximity rapid . We applied this approach to the endoplasmic . Such organization is predicted to increase the effective concentration of pathway intermediates near their recipient active sites and to enhance catalytic efficiency.

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